Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Right to Carry in all States

House Republicans are preparing to take up legislation next week that would make it easier for people to carry a concealed weapon as they travel from state to state.

Well maybe soon we will see support in both the House and the Senate to get this enacted.

It is about time.

Only liberal Wuss Democrats from Chicago and NYC and San Francisco would object to this one.
And of course all those other anti gun folks who want the world to be what it is not....safe for them...where everyone loves everyone....Well...their Nirvana will never come.

Sadly, good people are murdered every day - by animals who have no soul.

Most of us understand good vs evil. Most of us are willing to defend our families and ourselves. Most of us trust ourselves to deal with life and death decisions if they come.

For those pure Wusses out there who fear others and themselves...well I pity you. You who don't trust anyone other than the Police to protect you. You who would deny me the chance to protect those I love.

Well...look in the mirror if your one of those types....then repeat after me.....I am a hapless, hapless Wuss. Every day I live in fear....and becuase I do....it is not right that others don't.

Now if that perspective is you...it is not too late. You can go to your local range...and get some lessons in using a firearm. You can learn how to be self reliant. You can learn to trust yourself.

Or you can remain as you are....a loser.

We who carry concealed....wish you the best....but don't look for me to protect you and yours. That is your responsibility, not mine, and not the state....while cops may try to help you....in the end you are responsible for your own well being and that of your family.

It just may turn out that when this legislation finally passes....you will be safer...because we are out there armed....and are mere presence.....is a deterrent....well sometimes.

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