Tuesday, April 17, 2007

VT Gunman was legal

Today's news reports make it clear that from a Federal and State Firearms perspective, it appears that the killer at VT bought his guns legally.

Resident Aliens are allowed to purchase handguns. In VA the killer also had to comply with a one handgun per 30 day rule...and did so.

Also, ATF regs require a purchaser to certify that they have not been adjudicated as a mental defective or committed to a mental institution.

The killer may have been under treatment for depression, but that does not equate to being adjudicated mentally defective etc.

So while the Anti Gunners will spew venom about this incident, what we have here is a nut case who did not set off enough trip wires to get himself declared a nut case before he was able to do damage.

Now all the civil liberty protectors who hate guns but love to coddle the sickies of society are not going to want proactive efforts to declare folks mentally incompetent prematurely.

So once again we must face reality. Bad thoughts, evil writing, or evil words do not make a crime.

This country correctly loves freedom too much to start putting potential nut cases away until there is some concrete act that shows they are a threat to themselves and others.

Seems like the answer to the problem here is what the Second Amendment is all about. Being able to pro-actively defend your and other lives.

Sadly, that right comes at a high price, but a price we all must be prepared to pay. Some crazies and other evil folks will use their ability to get guns to the detriment of us all, but unless we can factually show that they intend to harm or have harmed others, there isn't much we can do.

A higher degree of proactive security measures in public places would help. Proactive is a word that VT officials need to study. They might also think about the realty of CCW as an aid to the security of students, staff and visitors at colleges and universities.

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