Perry can't defend the indefensible - not while he is seeking broad support from fiscal and social conservatives and even the middle of the road independent.
No one argues that an educated illegal is better than one on welfare.
Conservatives would argue and I agree, that any illegal should get no government benefits. They should be deported...unless they sign up for a path to citizenship that includes paying fines, paying taxes, learning English etc. etc.
Independents won't go for giving illegals in state tuition rates.
They should be barred from attending state supported colleges period.
The simple issue is - providing any benefits simply attracts more illegals, who then compete for a shortage of good jobs.
The pathway to legal immigration is open to those who follow it.
Perry will not get the nomination until and unless he disavows this law - and agrees to work toward preventing such state laws from being enacted.
Romney, Cain, or even Christie are starting to look like a much better alternative.
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