Monday, October 17, 2011

The Great Divider

So, Obama continues another bus tour...this time to paint all opposition as supporters of the 1 percent of Americans at the top of the economic ladder to the detriment of the rest of us. As if his policies have benefited the rest of us. He fails to tell, and the media fails to he supported the bail out of Wall Street, Big Banks, Big Motors etc.

This Obama....prostitutes himself continuously...and will proceed to lower the office of the Presidency by playing divide and conquer.

Obama has no other weapons - the great divider - history will call him -

He promised so much...delivered so little....destroyed so effectively....and will leave a lasting legacy of distrust.

A man so small that few who witnessed the 2008 campaign would ever predict he would fall so low....and diminish the term this extreme.

Sadly, too much of America supports this masochistic perspective - one that says....If I can't have the best that America offers...than those who do must be inherently evil, racist, malicious etc....but of course these deluded followers of the left, of socialism, of anti-capitalism....have nothing positive to offer. They would poison the well of a cohesive where all boats could be lifted by prosperity...transforming the promise of hope and opportunity into a dark mantra that paints all opposition as without merit.

Thank you Mr. President - your place in history is now well assured.

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