Had a chance to go to the range with the CZ 453 Varmint again today. Temp was around 50 degrees, wind gusts of 3-5 mph. Results using Wolf target 22lr at 50 yards were good. The set trigger was pretty solid after the adjustments I made...and the regular trigger pull was reduced to about 3 lbs.
I shot 100 rounds using the set trigger about half the time. Notice still that a few times the set trigger would not let off....seems like applying any slight pressure before the squeeze causes the set trigger to not engage. After some experience with the set trigger....I would generally favor just using the regular trigger with its now reduced pull weight.
The best five shot group as per below was .41 of an inch. The next best group was .5 inch. This is after shooting around 20 five shot groups from a bench rest position.
Note bad for a slightly windy day.