Friday, October 4, 2013

The Current State of Affairs

While the US Government is in the throws of disarray over a budget stalemate, a debt ceiling confrontation and complete partisan bickering at home....not to even mention....pending overseas security flareups...and continue deep division internally over immigration and other liberal agenda key goals....we who cherish the Second Amendment can for the time being rest assured that nothing extreme is going to happen to dilute our gun rights.

It is about time though that the majority of politicians got around to stop mentally ill people from owning guns.

So...why don't we see legislation that requires mental health professionals to turn over to the ATF the identifying information for anyone who is deemed a potential threat to the safety of others. This means we will need to err on the side of the public's right to be safe....and let these medical professionals make the initial call - which can be appealed later - but would stop a gun transfer from occurring. A federal law is needed to get this done...with penalties for those mental health professionals who prefer to be politically correct....and look the other way.

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