Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Gunning On

Well, I recently upgrade my 45 year old ruger 10/22 with a new barrel and new stock, new extractor, hammer spring, and firing pin. Now at 50 yards, using Wolf target ammo I am getting .5 inch groups for 5 shots and some .3 inch groups for 3 shots.

I invested around $225 in the upgrades and it has put new life in the old warrior - the gun - not me.

On another more political note I observed in this mornings Politico how those in other countries continue to adore the annoited one...Mr. Oh Bama.

Here is my Politico comment that I posted.

It is so Politico of Politico to highlight the popularity outside the US of the first black US President who also has the distinction of being the first anti American President, the first openly socialist leaning President, the first anti-Israel President, just to name a few of his most significant firsts.

It will be a great counter point in the run up to the next election that as his domestic agenda and popularity diminish, those overseas affections for the downtrodden, picked upon, diminished Oh Bama, will rise - and once again the media elites, like Politco will decry the coming demise of American acceptance abroad.

Funny thing though, most of us average non elite Amercians who have borne the brunt of this reign of elitism won't give a damn about the overseas perception but will breath a deep sigh of relief when the burden of Obama is gone.

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