I have learned that the content of this request in summary will go like this.
Whereas the citizens of the District of Columbia requiring the need for safety in their homes, businesses and streets in order to protect same, request that in consideration of the following factors the decision of the court to overturn long standing District gun control regulations be reversed.
The salient factors for the Court's consideration are:
- The District of Columbia is an elitist environment, therefore the elites do not require protection normally afforded to average Americans. They are protected by their faith in local law enforcement to be there when a dire need arises. In any event whereby LEOs are not available these citizens will resort to their superior linguistic and negotiating skills to ensure that potential assailants are rendered harmless.
- The consequences of not reversing this decision are catastrophic. All faith in local government will be lost if in fact this decision arms the local citizenry and that action effects a decrease in violent crime. Hereafter all claims by local government as to any proposed regulation for the advancement of the safety of the populous that in anyway impinges on the lifestyle of citizens will be derided.
- Given the demographic, cultural, political and racial components of this great city, it is likely that these citizens, unlike most in American will proceed to use "legally" acquired weapons in a manner inconsistent with the intent towards self-defense. The population of this great city can not risk empowering those who are inclined to self-defense today because many of them will be inclined to resort to using these new defensive tools without first recourse to other alternative methods of conflict resolution.
For these main reasons, we respectfully request reversal of the March 9Th decision of this court.
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