Saturday, November 2, 2013

Australian Trash

A new study conducted by researchers from Australia's Monash University and Britain's Manchester University suggests "symbolic racism [is] related to having a gun in the home and opposition to gun control policies by [U.S.] whites."

I once met some Australians and some Brits at a conference in New Zealand, over 10 years ago. Funny, we were all very sociable, having dinner one night...when somehow the conversation turned to gun ownership.

One Brit kept dumping on the U.S., for our backward love of firearms. is with no surprise that some "eggheads" in Australia ...a nation that has done much harm to gun owners there in the recent past.....would come out with Brit supported research that trashes the U.S. - and somehow now brings "race" into the issue.

So...I must be a racist...since I love firearms...and have ever since I was a kid. I must be a racist since I watched all those WWII movies and cowboy movies growing up....and couldn't wait until I could one day shoot a gun.

I must be a racist since I have been shooting ever since I was 16 and never have hurt anyone with a gun - even though I am very capable of defending myself and my own family if need be.

So....this kind of trash comes from some institute of "Higher Learning". It is a pity that such dribble is allowed to be published. You would think that some peer review would point out the fact that millions of gun least in the U.S. are not "white", but black, Hispanic, Asian, Indian, etc.

No wonder that most people consider "academic studies" as pure bull these days....especially....since most academic researchers are by their own special order of natural selection....(Darwin's Survival of the Ass Kissers)...likely to be left leaning, feminized, emasculated wimps.

Well...because of this study.....I will simply refuse to eat Australian lamb or British kidney pie.